
07.07.2022 Newsletter N5
16.05.2022 Седмица за обмяна на опит по проект STRONG
03.05.2022 Registration form - Varna Seminar, Strong Project, 12th May 2022
03.05.2022 Strong Seminar in Varna, 12th May 2022
03.05.2022 Registration form - Burgas Seminar, Strong Project, 11th May 2022
03.05.2022 Strong Seminar in Burgas, 11th May 2022
03.05.2022 Registration form - Sofia Seminar, Strong Project, 10th May 2022
03.05.2022 Strong Seminar in Sofia, 10th May 2022
21.12.2021 Newsletter N4
22.06.2021 Newsletter №3
01.12.2020 Newsletter №2
26.11.2020 Information Day - Presentation 3
Good practices in volunteering dispute resolution in Bulgaria, the EU and Norway, K. Slavov, Executive Director, Transparency International Bulgaria
26.11.2020 Information Day - Presentation 2
Handbook “Voluntary Dispute Resolution - Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration. Resolving collective labor disputes. ”, Ina Ahmedova, Transparency International Bulgaria
26.11.2020 Information Day - Presentation 1
„STRONG” project presentation done by Mariana Tancheva and Natalia Dicheva 
01.10.2020 Study of good practices in social dialogue in the EU and Norway
01.10.2020 Study of good practices in voluntary dispute resolution in Bulgaria, the EU and Norway (document is in Bulgarian language)
01.10.2020 Handbook for Voluntary Dispute Resolution - Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration. Resolution of collective labor disputes.
01.06.2020 Newsletter №1


Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”